My name is Qian Ruan (阮倩). I am a doctoral researcher and a 2nd-year Ph.D. student at the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP) at Technical University of Darmstadt, supervised by Prof. Iryna Gurevych.

Previously, I obtained my Master’s degree from Technical University of Berlin (TUB), following the Data Science and Engineering track. Meanwhile, I worked on hierarchical modeling and text summarization as a student research assistant in Prof. Georg Rehm’s Group at German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). I hold both a B.Sc. in business informatics from TUB and a B.A. in German Literature and Linguistics from Peking University (PKU). As someone passionate about languages and NLP technologies with an interdisciplinary background in Linguistics, Computer Science, Deep Learning and NLP, I am highly interested and motivated to develop models and tools that can better understand human languages and provide reliable language assistance services.

My current research interests focus on natural language processing and natural language generation, particularly in long document modeling, text summarization and text generation.